Pavel Lishin
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- Страна
- Россия
Дата регистрации: 23.06.2008
Последний раз был(а) на сайте: 13.01.2009 в 16:32
Последние комментарии
It turned out really well - not spicy enough for my tastes though, even with the added jalapenos. Next time I'll probably add some more chili powder & peppers.
Of course I made enough for six people, and I'm the only one here.
Ya segodnya gotovlyu chili po etomu receptu, no reshil dobavit' svezhih jalapeno percov, tozhe... posmotrim kak polushitsya!
(I don't remember Russian keyboard layout well enough to type quickly, so this is in English.)
I liked the drive up from Austin, where you drove down country roads I've never heard of. I remember that at one intersection we hit a red light, and I pulled out a map... and you called me and demanded to know why I didn't trust your navigational skills. :P
Все-так, как здорово, что я начал ездить за рубеж только после того, как эти идиоты от власти отошли немного (ну - или не отошли, а начали...